Derrick Greiner

Areas Of Specialty

The key to any success is really all about the value one brings to the table as well as the ability to inspire and empower others to bring their best daily. Derrick drives this mindset every day along with a strong passion for helping others to be successful, as coaching and mentoring have always been key along his path to success as he is a firm believer in “success leaves clues – just don’t be clueless”.

Derrick has over 25 years in the hospitality industry ranging from Manager, Kitchen Manager, Bar Manager, General Manager, to Multi-Unit Area Leader. His extended studies started at UCLA moving most recently to the London Business School on Marketing (business/brand/behavior) as well as Michigan Business School on Leadership (strategies/negotiating) during the pandemic which helped him further his knowledge base to continue to help others.

Derrick has an insatiable appetite for reading and will typically read over 100 books a year to further his growth of knowledge. He will keep things 100% real while continuing to carry an attitude of gratitude.


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